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Premiere to
Bergslagen Chamber Symphony Orchestra
50th Anniversary!
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Micaela Hoppe has been commissioned to write a piece for the Bergslagen Chamber Symphony's 50th anniversary. The anniversary is manifested above all during the summer course, week 30. The first performance takes place on Friday, July 26 in St. Nikolai church in Örebro, with a repeat on Saturday, July 27 at Cassel's donation in Grängesberg. Read more:

Dreamy reality premiered

Dreamy reality (swe. "Drömsk verklighet") was premiered by the Crusell Wind Quintet during the Östergötland Music Days in August 2023. More info.

Clouds (photo by Magda Ehlers)
Meditation music created in studio software

"The creative process is what drives me in composing. Being able to be in that process, listening and writing down what I hear is incredibly inspiring!

I can be completely captured by timbres, their shifts, subtle nuances, a tone that changes and the whole the context becomes something else. I am often drawn to contrasts, which mutually reinforce each other, and even the seemingly simple, which also adds depth and meaning with the simplicity in itself. To be in this composing mode is sweet music to me!"

Micaela Hoppe_photo Michael Steinberg
Piano på Gamla meken, Smedjebacken

Briefly about Micaela Hoppe

  • Born in 1965 in Jakobsberg, northwest of Stockholm. Living in Västra Ämtervik (Värmland) since 1997.

  • Autodidact as a composer. Has always written music since a young age.  

  • 2008 chosen Composer of the Year in Bergslagen's Chamber Symphony Orchestra.

  • 2014 The exhibition "Frankel & Hoppe", where Micaela Hoppe and the filmmaker Evelyn Frankel's collaborations were shown.

  • In 2016, the Italian string orchestra I Solisti Veneti together with clarinetist Lorenzo Guzzoni under the direction of Claudio Scimone premiered "Blue mountains shimmer in backlight"  (swe "Blå berg skimrar i motljus"). The piece was chosen out of 140 other pieces by female composers from 26 countries. The occasion was noted, among other things, with a live interview in P2.

  • 2016 The art video installation "Land of the Unknown" was premiered at Värmlands Museum.

  • 2016 Scholarship from Bengt Axelsson's cultural fund, managed by the association Värmlandslitteratur.

  • 2016 - 2019 Micaela Hoppe composes together with the norwegian composer Lars Audun Hadland "Divina Commedia", a piece based on Dante Alighieri's work of the same name.

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